Saturday, May 11, 2019

Annotated bibliography ( Professional research and evaluation ) Essay

Annotated bibliography ( Professional question and evaluation ) - Essay ExampleHess, J., Rothgeb, J. and Zukerberg, A. (1997) Survey of platform dynamics pretest evaluation report Internet, Survey of Program Dynamics, US Census Bureau. Available from Accessed 13 process 2012. In order to check whether a accompany questionnaire would be able to obtain necessary education as well as being easy for adolescents and pre-adolescents to answer them under a specific timeframe, pre-testing them in various sample populations were necessary, as explained by the authors. Pensoneau-Conway, S.L. and Toyosaki, S. (2011) Automethodology tracing a home for praxis-oriented ethnography. International Journal of qualitative Methods, 10 (4), pp. 378-400. This article showed how not detaching oneself from a group being studied could give a entirely new perspective to ethnographic studies, such as showing a sense of self, home, and culture and displace oneself in the others shoes, instead of just be ing an onlooker. Rodriguez, K.L., Schwartz, J.L., Lahman, M.K.E. and Geist, M.R. (2011) Culturally reactive focus groups refraining the research experience to focus on participants. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 10 (4), pp. 400-418. The use of focus groups is truly relevant, especially in qualitative research in social sciences. This article questiones how using culturally responsive researches can give respondents a chance to show their true selves, thus giving a break picture of the views and ideas of different groups, especially marginalized cultures. Sakshaug, J.W., Yan, T. and Tourangeau, R. (2010) Nonresponse error, measurement error, and mode of data collection tradeoffs in a multi-mode survey of sensitive and non-sensitive items. Public Opinion Quarterly Internet, 74 (5), pp. 907-933. Available from Accessed 14 March 2012. The authors were able to discuss the other side of surveys, which is the correction of errors obtained during sampling. The relationsh ips between the administration style of the survey and the type of errors most seeming to occur were also presented, as well as possible ways to reduce them. Schonlau, M., Fricker, R.D. and Elliott, M.N. (2002) Conducting research surveys via electronic mail and the web, Santa Monica, CA RAND Corporation Internet survey is considered one of the cheapest forms of surveying since there is less effort to employ it. However, certain considerations must be made in order for its success, such as appropriateness, sample size and sensitivity of the issue at hand. This book assesses the problems and the solutions for internet survey to work. Smart, C. (2011) Ways of knowing crossing species boundaries. methodological Innovations Online Internet, 6(3), pp. 27-38. Available from Accessed 13 March 2012. In order to control a horse, not only does the passenger car recognise visual cues but also subconsciously read the horses movements, and react whence to it. Over time it becomes automatic for the handler, who reacts to the horse

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