Friday, May 31, 2019

Physics of Karate Essay -- physics martial arts fighting

The basic ideas behind any style of karate can in general be reduced to the goal of achieving the around effective movements with the least stew. Specifically, with a strike such as a punch, kick, knife-hand or similar, the karateka attempts to move smoothly through the strikes, conserving energy towards the impact point. When thought about in terms of energy, the most common equation is that of rotational kinetic energy, or KE=(1/2)mv2 + (1/2)I2. Another way to think about a strike is to attempt to focus as much bear on as possible at the point of impact. In many strikes, this is facilitated by drawing an almost straight line with the striking wooden legal instrument from the original point of rest to the point of impact. This is based on the fact that the fastest path between two points is a direct line, and greater zip up leads to corresponding greater force upon impact, as shown by Newtons Second Law, F=ma. This equation also leads to the conclusion that if increase d mass is used in the strike, the force upon impact will be greater. Because of the obviousness of this idea, most strikes are thrown through the rotation of the body in some way, instead of simply from the ordnance or legs. The body has much more mass, and therefore contributes greatly to achieving a strike that is highly forceful, yet doesnt require nearly as much effort as one thrown from the extremeties. Front StanceEquationsW=mg=I=Frfriction F=N The most basic set forth of a succesful technique is a proper stance that is well grounded and solid. This helps in many ways, including providing the initial push behind a technique, grounding the karateka during the moment of impact, and providing a solid base from which to defend against an attacker.... ...rown into the rotation, the more energy is contained in the leg at this stage in the kick. The next stage of the kick switches to upwards and transport rotation of the knee around the hip joint. This is also connected to the equations v=r and KE=(1/2)mv2 + (1/2)I2, thus KE=(1/2)m(r)2 + (1/2)I2. In a properly penalise kick, this transition is completely smooth, and energy is conserved. This leads to the idea that a vital part of a proper, focused front kick is how quickly and smoothly the back leg is pulled forward. The last step in the kick is the upwards rotation of the foot around the knee joint, the kinetic energy of which is found through exactly the resembling equations. To ensure that the energy is expended on forward impact rather than upwards, during the rotation around the knee, the hip should be extended forward slightly just ahead impact.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Byzantium versus Western Europe Essay -- Ancient History, Roman Empire

The Eastern part of the Roman Empire held imperial power headed by the metropolis Byzantium later renamed Constantinople after the emperor Constantine (316). It remained the capital until Charlemagne revived the Western Empire (316). Between 324 and 330, the Byzantine Empire passed from an early period of expansion and splendor to a time of sustained contradiction and splintering and, finally, catastrophic defeat (316). The first period between 324 and 632, of Byzantine history experienced great successes territorially, politically, and culturally (317). Especially, infra the reign of Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora both intelligent and tough even to the extent of being called tyrants by their court historian and biographer (317-18). During their reign, there were more than than 1500 cities, Constantinople being the largest fill with great size and splendor (317). Between the fourth and fifth centuries Decurions councils of 200 local, wealthy, landowners, governed the cities (318). By the sixth century however, the decurion councils were replaced by special governors deemed more reliable by the emperor (318). Justinian also ordered a revision of Roman law and created several compilations with the aid of a committee of learned lawyers (320, 342). The compilations later became the foundation for close to European law (320). The first compilation Code, revised imperial edicts, the second Novellae, presented the decrees issued by Justinian and his successors, the third the Digest, compilation of old legal experts opinions, and the fourth compilation the Institutes, a practical textbook for young scholars (320). Still, this strengthening of the empire did not allow him to retrieve the Western imperial lands conquered by barbarians... religion upon the people (325). Thus, these peoples found mental hospital in Muslims from Byzantine oppression (325). Muslim conquerors tolerated other religions and offered protection for many peoples (326). Christia n Europe developed a lasting fear and suspicion of the Muslims as they were assaulted and challenged by them at all fronts (326) In both the east and west the Muslim invasion was confronted and halted though contact between Muslims and Christians continued (326). Muslims regarded Byzantium as a model to learn from and improve upon (326). Despite the differences between the Christian west and the Muslim world, there was creative interchange between the two (326). Sine the Arabs were more advanced, the West benefited from this interchange most (326).Oftentimes, the Church became an important force for Western Europe through invasions, changes, etc (328).

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

American Corporations and Internet Pornography Essay -- Exploratory Es

American Corporations and Internet Porn In this essay, we shall consider the so-called reputable mainstream American companies that are reaping huge lolly from Internet porn, as well as related considerations. Marriott, Westin, and Hilton are known for their pornographic video deliveries to paying rooms, a practice which Omni Hotels discontinued when confronted by the American Family Association. On the other hand, Internet porn companies like Yahoo In its x-rated Geocities sites, was not intimidated by AFAs threats. Instead, it took US Attorney General Ashcrofts strong treat to intimidate Yahoo into only a partial-withdrawal from Internet porn. However, Yahoo Still retains marginally pornographic material on websites. AT&T is the biggest American go with that has accommodated itself to the pornography boom. Its cable division, AT&T Broadband, distributes to subscribers the explicit porn channel, The Hot Network and this has unfortunate repercussions in the world of Internet po rnography. In the spring of 2001, an interfaith coalition of relig...

Traditions and Values of Western Culture Essay -- History Education Es

Traditions and Values of westbound Culturemissing works citedHistory is a part of every sensations lives. We exist immediately because of our history. People who lived before our time fought for the rights that many individuals take for granted. Especi exclusivelyy for an individual to appreciate life, one must be fully aware of the past, so one could truly appreciate their existence today and the freedom they have. So when the question arises on whether or not Colleges and universities serve to pass on to students the owing(p) traditions and set of Western culture? Without any doubt the answer should be absolutely yes. If someone answered no, the person should be considered ignorant and maybe they would think twice if all rights were stripped away from him. These knowledgeablenesss should pass on the tradition of education and the curriculum assumeed to achieve to be an overall well rounded person. The way an institution chooses to pass a long a culture does not matter, such t raditions need to be passed to the next generation. There are three men of great literature, microphone Rose, John Henry Newman, and Jeffery Hart, who have recognized the importance of passing on the Western culture and they offer some interesting incites to their readers.In Mike Roses essay he introduces the lives of people from a variety of cultures. He describes the hardships one may encounter as he goes through life. Rose begins by describing his hold difficulties of accepting education in his life and how he would rather read comic books. He adds that it was not until high school when he met a instructor who inspired him to learn and write a great deal more than he was accustomed. After his final year in high school, Rose adds that the books that seemed so distant, those Great ... ...ed to know the specifics of all the subjects the main idea would be for him to know all other fields of study do exist and what those fields represent.Colleges and universities need to pass on t o students the great traditions and values of the Western culture. By allowing someone to learn his history he will have a greater clench for life. With education, the knowledge of history will allow a person to make a statement in his lifetime that could better the future for others. The universities and colleges should not be reluctant in teaching the values and traditions of the Western culture. Mike Rose, John Henry Newman, and Jeffrey Hart all support the idea of educating our students about the traditions and values of the Western culture. There is an extreme need for these areas to be covered in school because students are lacking the knowledge of the past.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Free College Essays - Eliezer Wiesels Night :: Eliezer Wiesel Night Essays

Eliezer Wiesels Night The Book Night was the autobiography of Eliezer Wiesel. This was a horrible and sobering tale of his life story. The story takes place in Sighet, Translyvania. Its the year 1941 and World War II is occurring. Eliezer was 12 at this time and wasnt really aware of what was occurring in the world concerning the Jewish people. He had a agonist who went by the name Moshe the Beadle. Moshe was very good friend of Elezers. One day it was ordered that all foreign Jews in Sighet be deported by German troops. They were told they had to separate yellow stars to identify themselves. Eliezers friends Moshe was also a foreign Jew, which meant he had to be deported. Eliezer did not see his friend Moshe for months. When he lastly saw him, Moshe was weeping. Eliezer asked him what was wrong. Moshe told him he was in a concentration camp. He said they threw him in a pit and shot his leg, but he managed to escape to worn him to flee for his life. Eliezer didnt listen to him anyway. nearly three days later, German troops entered Sighet. They order the people of Sighet to surrender to them or go past. The people surrendered and had to give up all their possessions. Moshe was right, it did happen. All the people of Sighet were throng into train cars and shipped to the concentration camp of Aushcwitz. At that point Eliezer was separated from his family forever with the exception of his father. There was a large crematory in Aushcwitz. You could smell the sunburn flesh in the air. Eliezer was ordered to the crematory. He came within two paces of it, but then was ordered to the barracks. He was saved for that night only. After that incident, he lived with worship of when was he going to die. Eliezer later went to other concentration camps in Bakenau and Buna. During these years in the camps he lived through great suffering. Starvation, and survival. He also witnesses thousands of people die and murdered including his own father. Eliezer was finally shipped to Buchenwald. Which would end up being his last stay at any concentration camp. It was now the year 1945 and this ordeal was finally over.

Free College Essays - Eliezer Wiesels Night :: Eliezer Wiesel Night Essays

Eliezer Wiesels Night The Book Night was the autobiography of Eliezer Wiesel. This was a horrible and sobering baloney of his life story. The story takes place in Sighet, Translyvania. Its the year 1941 and World War II is occurring. Eliezer was 12 at this time and wasnt really aware of what was occurring in the arena concerning the Jewish people. He had a friend who went by the name Moshe the Beadle. Moshe was very good friend of Elezers. One day it was ordered that all foreign Jews in Sighet be deported by German troops. They were told they had to wear yellow stars to identify themselves. Eliezers friends Moshe was also a foreign Jew, which meant he had to be deported. Eliezer did not see his friend Moshe for months. When he finally saw him, Moshe was weeping. Eliezer asked him what was wrong. Moshe told him he was in a immersion camp. He said they threw him in a pit and shot his leg, but he managed to send to worn him to flee for his life. Eliezer didnt listen to h im anyway. About three days later, German troops entered Sighet. They order the people of Sighet to surrender to them or die. The people surrendered and had to give up all their possessions. Moshe was right, it did happen. All the people of Sighet were jammed into train cars and shipped to the concentration camp of Aushcwitz. At that point Eliezer was separated from his family forever with the exception of his father. There was a expectant crematory in Aushcwitz. You could smell the burning flesh in the air. Eliezer was ordered to the crematory. He came within two paces of it, but then was ordered to the barracks. He was deliver for that night only. After that incident, he lived with fear of when was he going to die. Eliezer later went to other concentration camps in Bakenau and Buna. During these years in the camps he lived through keen suffering. Starvation, and survival. He also witnesses thousands of people die and murdered including his own father. Eliezer was finall y shipped to Buchenwald. Which would end up being his last stay at any concentration camp. It was now the year 1945 and this ordeal was finally over.

Monday, May 27, 2019

My Plans After High School Essay

After receiving my high school diploma, I would like to purse a career in the medical checkup examination profession specifically I would like to become a Registered Nurse. A nurse is a profession that provides care for sick, the injured and other people in the need of medical assistance. Nurses also field in healthy insurance companies, research institutions and pharmaceutical (medicinal drug) companies. According to Segovia Bain nurses record patient medical histories and medications, operate medical machinery and help with follow up care and rehabilitation (World Book Student). This career path interests me because of the educational evolveing requirements, working conditions, earning potential and future employment opportunities. care for began as practice reserved for men. The first nursing school was established in India in about, 250 B.C., but it wasnt until the 1800s nursing education was chiefly received from hospital than colleges. In this time, now student mostly dust ings and doing dishes. They worked 10 to 12 hour shifts. Later, responsibilities like sterilization of the equipment, and like cleaning rooms or needles. By the time World War II started , nurses were removed from the hospital, to bedside by wounded soldiers. In the 1980, started a need for travel-nursing agencies has started, which made numerous job positions. Registered nurses is pass judgment growth, more by the year 2014 (What comes to mind when you think of nurses?)Registered Nurses mostly have an associate degree. The curriculum for this degree includes, commutation, and organizational skill to coordinate, supervise, and manage or train other to accomplish goal. Registered nurses jobs duties also include developing day-to-day nursing care plan for both in the hospital and for care. Employees in these occupations unusually need one or two years of training involving both on the job experience and in formal training with go through workers (On*net). Most nurse work in hospita l and home health care. Nurses spend a lot of time walking, standing and bending. Its possible for them to fixate a injury, like back injuries. They also like, moving patients a lot. Nurses are mostly likely to work 24 hours shifts.They work on nights, weekends and holidays. Nurses who work in offices , school, and other places that do not provide 24-hour shifts care are more likely to work regular business hs. (Working environment). The Salary range for registered nurses is between 58,000 to 66,000 a year. The average amount for a registered is 64,000. This median range is about half of what the workers in this occupation earned while more than the amount and of the half. Registered nurses, have skilful benefits such as flexible work schedules, childcare, educational benefits and nurses bonuses. Because patients in hospitals and nursing care facilities need round-the-clock care, nurses in these settings usually screen all 24 hours. They may work nights, weekends and holidays. Th ey may also be on call, so that means you have available on short notice. (Earnings and salary). lyThe employment of registered nurse is expected to grow 26 %, from 2010-2020 faster than the average for all occupational growth will increased because of things like advancement of engine room or aging baby boomer population. The growth rate is faster in traditional hospitals. Job opportunities for registered nurses are excellent. Registered nurses are needed of family friendly work schedules. Generally registered nurses with at least a bachelors degree in nursing (BSN) will have better job aspect than those without one.(Job outlook) You will need many skills to be a house such as excellent people skills, good communication, even dealing with emotionally supercharged situations You also need the ability to answer questions and offer advice. This profession is based solely, on the drive to learn new things. The definition of a nurse to go above and beyond the call of duty, the heart and soul of caring, a unique soul who will pass thru your life for a minute and impact it for an eternity. A individual whom you may feet for only a 12 hour period, but who will put you and yours above theirs. (McKenna). Nursing seems like a very fun, seminal and fast paced profession that would be very fulfilling to work in.Earrings and wages Occupational outlook handbook 2012-13 edition U.S bureau of labor statistics 19 Jan. 2008. vane 14 Feb 2013 . Job outlook Occupational outlook handbook 2012-13 edition U.S bureau of labor statistics 9 Jan. 2008 Web. 18 Feb. 2013 . McKenna Brian The top 15 Quotes about nurses College Finder Web 18 Feb. 2013 Registered Nurses Occupational outlook handbook 2012-13 edition U.S bureau of labor stastics , 9 Jan. 2008 Web 4 Feb. 2013 . Segovia-Balin, Rossana Nursing World Book Student , 2013 Web. 23 Jan 2013 What Comes to mind when you think of nurses? Travel Now Nurses . 28 Jan 2013 Working Enivornment Occupational outlook handbook 2012-13 edit ion U.S bureau of labor statistics , 9 Jan. 2008 Web 7 Feb. 2013. .

Sunday, May 26, 2019

What’s the Advantage and Disadvantage About Single Regulator

After the minibond debacle, it might be a favorable time to look at an new arrangement that whether single regulator could be a right way in the long term if financial institutions were providing unified multiple financial services. However, we have to study whats the advantage and whats the disadvantage. According to the UKs financial services authority single regulator model, The advantage of single regulator is that Single regulator is efficient. It will be more than efficient in allocating resources.A single regulators position allows it to look across the entire financial industry and devote regulatory resources (both human as salutary as financial resources) to where they are most needed. Secondly, the United Kingdoms FSA covers and unify a broad set of regulatory activities and the scope of its regulatory functions broadcast beyond main-stream financial services providers that reduce the overlap authority of different regulatory regimes Besides, we should also consider the disadvantage of using single regulator model, First, deficiency of adequate legal and regulatory foundations.When we need to use a unified single regulator to replace an existing regime of multiple regulators, we should ensure that a good legislative foundation include proper appeal processes and procedures. We believe that it would be a expensive process requiring different participants and creates large operating costs. Second, single regulator may cause merger-related difficulties. A major problem is merging the organisational culture of different regulatory bodies, each with different behavior and a finical method of working.If the merge is not well managed, it may cause the potential for internal conflicts leading and confuse between the regulators and the regulated institutions Third, it may reduce regulatory capacity. There is the possibility that having a single financial sector regulator could reduce the scope for innovation among providers of financial services. It may be difficult for much(prenominal) a regulator to remain capacity enough to keep up with the pace of change in the markets without the creativity and legitimate progress of participants and regulated entities.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Artificial Knowledge in the Truman Show Essay

In the movie The Truman acquaint, wholeness epistemological paradox that is being tackled is the problem of how man is able to become aware of things that he once had no idea ab unwrap. Do we get to know things or do we acquire companionship because of our mere experiences of things or does it involve something more(prenominal) than that? In order to have a better grasp of the question at hand, John Lockes interference of human companionship and experience can provide us with a framework to begin with. John Lockes conception of the tabula rasa tells us that in the first base we do not essentially have every ideas and association. It is through experience that we are able to acquire ideas and, hence, knowledge of the humans we live in. As Locke entrust tell us, the foreland is initially presumed to be like that of a white paper, void of all characteristics and without any ideas. Perhaps one way to interpret Lockes assumption is that it is through our interaction with the world and with others that we begin to gain knowledge piece by piece from the time that we gain consciousness from childhood. The movie The Truman Show is one which portrays the life of a man who appears to have been living in an semisynthetic world all alonga television show. That is, everything around him is set-up, which includes the devastation of his father up to the time when he becomes an adult. All of his daily experience has been predetermined and that every other individual in that artificial society knows that Truman Burbank, the important character in the movie, is living in an artificial world. Throughout the course of his life, Truman acquires knowledge through his daily interactions with those around him. Apparently, these many things which surround him are essentially imitations or close to being an exact copy of the things in the real world. Since Trumans world is a world of artificiality, one may argue that the knowledge that he is able to acquire is knowledge which is artificial or an imitation of the real knowledge in the real world. In general, it can be pointed out that the knowledge of Truman is artificial and, hence, not real precisely because the world where he lives and the world which he acquires his knowledge from is not the real world but one which has been specifically constructed for the use of goods and services of a television show. With regard to the courting of Truman, Locke will most likely tell us that even though Trumans world is artificially constructed, Truman is nevertheless able to acquire knowledge which he makes use in his daily dealing with other people around him. But more to being able to acquire knowledge, it can be said that the knowledge that Truman is able to acquire is artificial.Living in an artificial world set-up for the primary purpose of creating a television show which is supposed to run throughout ones lifetime, it is inevitable that what one knows are things which are solely based on what one h as experienced in that artificial world. Indeed, it will be illogical to say that Trumans knowledge is that of the real world simply because Truman hasnt had any contact with the real world outside of his artificial society which might have given him real and true knowledge. As Truman becomes more and more present with the artificial world he lives in, it is most likely the case that his awareness will reflect what he has been able to experience in his world. Moreover, Lockes presupposition of the mind as initially devoid of any substance or of any ideas and that our minds would eventually have to acquire ideas through experience and interaction with the world explains the case of Truman growing up in an artificial world.Since Truman was born and grew up in the hypothetical world of Seahaven, Locke would presuppose that the knowledge of Truman as he grows would be rigorously confined or limited to the knowledge that is available in that world. Hence, it would rather be quite imposs ible for Truman to arrive at any other knowledge other than the artificial ones in his artificial world. The blank mind of Truman from his birth has been apparently fill and etched with artificial knowledge along his lifetime in that hypothetical realm. One interesting point, however, is the idea that even though for the people outside Seahaven, they may treat Trumans knowledge as artificial while, on the other hand, the Truman may treat his knowledge as real knowledge because he is unaware of the external world that watches his every move. The basis for saying that Trumans knowledge is artificial or is not real is that there is an external world which knows for a fact that Truman is living in an artificial society filled with people having artificial social connections and relationships. For the part of Truman, he may very hygienic have no such idea and that all he may be aware of is that the way in which he understands his surrounding environment is as real as it can be. John Loc ke may very well argue that, indeed, the only way for Truman to acquire knowledge, whether artificial or real, is through his experiences. If Truman gets to experience artificial things around him, then it must be the case that he gets to have artificial knowledge using the external world as the basis for the reality of knowledge. Lockes thought that the mind is able to acquire ideas through experience has with it a certain form of disadvantage. That is, if one is keen to experiencing artificial things in an artificial world, the greatest danger is that one will be having artificial knowledge. Thus, to live in an artificial world and to experience the things in it is to obtain artificial knowledge. In the real world, the same also holds true and that experience is life-and-death to the formation of human knowledge.ReferenceSchwoerer, L. G. (1990). Locke, Lockean Ideas, and the Glorious Revolution. Journal of the History of Ideas, 51(4), 531-548.

Friday, May 24, 2019


Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influence on-going practice (CYP 3. 1. 2. 3) Jean Piaget is the most coarsely kat oncen of all educational theorists and maybe the main contributor to current practice of education. Piaget made vast contributions to the direction, meaning and understanding of contemporary constructivism. Examples of Piagets contributions include his ideas that knowledge should be actively constructed by a kid and learning activities should match the level of the development stage of each babe.Also, several major approaches to the national curriculum and instruction argon based on Piagets theory. For instance, Piaget influenced many teaching techniques such as the focus on the process of the infants thinking and the active role of the learner. Piagets focus on the process of the child thinking promoted the development of the stages of cognitive development. Teachers use the stages in todays classroom as a way to gauge a ch ilds cognitive functioning.This permits the development of activities and learning gos that are at the correct cognitive development stage for the childs ability to learn. Piaget recognised that children must be self-initiated and actively involved in learning activities. A current application of this concept today bunghole be found, many of the national curriculum material include interactive activities and even educational software for the child to engage in self-controlled learning. A nonher well known, and perhaps one of the most controversial theorists to date, is Sigmund Freud.Psychoanalytic theories of development began with the work of Freud, who believed that early childhood experiences had a unyielding effect on further development of the individual thus having a lasting influence over the way children are educated today and the psychological science behind the way this is executed. For example, early education through play, making it both an enjoyable and commanding e xperience for children. Abraham Maslow developed a humanistic theory that has influenced education.This wide influence is due in part to the high level of practicality of Maslows theory, many people find they can understand what Maslow says and they can relate to some features of their experience or behaviour which they have never put into words. Humanists do not believe that human beings are pushed and pulled by mechanical forces, either of stimuli and reinforcements (behaviorism) or of unconscious instinctual impulses (psychoanalysis). Humanists focus upon potentials, they believe that individuals strive for an upper level of capabilities and seek the frontiers of creativity, the highest reaches of consciousness and wisdom.Maslow calls this level self-actualisation within his hierarchy of needs. Maslow believes that the only reason that an individual would not move well in the direction of self-actualisation is because of hindrances placed in their way by society. He states that e ducation is one of these hindrances, he recommends ways education can switch from its usual person-stunting tactics to person-growing approaches. JOANNE CORBETT Maslow states that educators should respond to the potential an individual has for growing into a self-actualising person and this has had great influence over the way education is now taught.Teachers are striving for holistic individual learning experiences rather than mass class lead approaches, current practice includes ability grouping and resources put in place for gifted and talented children. The frameworks for current practice are mainly based around an holistic approach. Social pedagogy supports development and assumes a holistic approach to childrens needs health, schooling, leisure, family life, spiritual life and so on the whole child. It collaborates education with all other areas involved in how a child develops.Albert Bandura plays a major part in holistic development today he is thought to be one of the mos t influential theorists of current education, with his accessible learning theory which believes people learn new behaviour through observational learning of the social factors in their environment. For example, if people observe tyrannical, desired outcomes, indeed they are more likely to model, imitate and adopt the behaviour themselves. Teachers now understand the importance of providing a professional, positive role model for children to look up to.Burrhus Frederic Skinner is the American theorist behind operant conditioning which deals with the modification of voluntary (operant) behaviour. Operant conditioning is maintained by its consequences of reinforcement and punishment, both positive and negative. One of the distinctive aspects of Skinners theory is that it attempted to provide behavioural explanations for a broad range of cognitive phenomena. For example, Skinner explained motivation in terms of wishing and reinforcement schedules therefore perant conditioning has b een widely applied within teaching with the use of positive reinforcement particularly for motivation and classroom management. Which bring us to our final theorist, John Watson who developed behaviourism with classical conditioning, most controversially with Little Albert a 9 month old boy he (along with Rayner) knowing to be afraid of a white rat, where the stimuli was moderated (as oppose to Skinner, who moderates the response). Teachers are able to apply classical conditioning in the class by creating a positive classroom environment to help children overcome anxiety or fear.Pairing an anxiety-provoking situation, such as performing in front of a group, with pleasant surroundings helps the child learn new associations. Instead of feeling anxious and tense in these situations, the child will learn to stay relaxed and calm. This essay is not complete(a) of the many theories which have enriched education and the way it is currently practiced but merely gives an overview of some of the leading theorists that are utilised within schools today. 901 WordsJOANNE CORBETT

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Reflection on Chronicles of a Death Foretold

Reflection The cultural and historical context of Marquez life played an consequential role in his novel Chronicles of a wipeout Foretold. In the 16th century, Spain colonized many parts of South America and replaced the native religion with Catholicism. man the indigenous cultural practices celebrated openness about sexuality the orthodox Catholic ideals of chastity and purity that penetrated into the local tradition during colonization.The archaic perception of accolade was founded on the grounds of the Catholic ideals and it promoted gender inequality and organized crime cultures promoted violence. Marquez offers a critique of the religious system when he describes the arrival of the Bishop who is representative of the tycoon of the Church. In preparation of the Bishops arrival the town prepared many cocks which are rather a physical offering to the Church rather than a spiritual offering.The states inability to act upon the Vicarios brothers action is a Marquezs critique of the decadence of the Old Christian value system. Father Amador does not condemn the Vicario brothers for their actions but instead he says that they are forgiven on the bases of acting to avenge their sisters honour. The mayor is as well as unable to take action and he simply takes away their knives. We also explored the influence of Marquezs life on his style of writing.The influence of Marquezs grannie on his style of realism was also explored. Marquezs grandmothers way of telling unlikely stories as if they were facts influenced his style in Chronicles of a Death Foretold. The murder of Santiago Nasar remains a complete mystery until the end of the novel and the episodes that unfold in the story seem extremely unlikely as yet the death was accepted by the reader because of factual tone in which it was told. Word Count 298 Dissociating the allusion elements from their referents

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Sitting System For People Health And Social Care Essay

Appropriate posing positions argon varied, it depends on activity taken working at a desk, computing machine, private road or eating. However, these actions have a same rule to concern stable and cozy. Human sitting is asymmetrical and dynamic, when Sitters feel non comfy with their seats they result brace themselves. And ever has departless motion at least any 5-10 proceedingss to diminish the wad per unit area on the hand blossoms, avoid terrible pressing on any portion of the organic organize until cause wound.1.3.1 Biomechanics of sitingBiomechanics utilises the Torahs of Physicss and the constructs of Engineering to depict the gesture formulated by mixed organic anatomical structure sections and the ferocitys moving on these them ( Chaffin and Andresson, 1984 ) . Appropriate posing positions are varied, it depends on activity which taken working at a desk, computing machine, driving or eating. However, suited sitting place in biomechanics is the balance of forces a nd minutes.balance plane1.bmpF = ForceM = MomentBalance of forces and minutes in wholly planesBiomechanics has emphasised the relation between the organic structure s Centre of force per unit area ( tomentum ) and its Centre of mass ( COM ) . The COM is a point equivalent of the entire organic structure mass and is the leaden norm of the COM of each organic structure section in all planes while the COP corresponds to the point of application of the force under the land of contact with the place surface ( Lacoste et al. , 2006 ) . In order to equilibrate the organic structure over a stable sitting base, the COM is straight over the sitting base. Stability of sitting position is able to better when the country of contact between the organic structure and the alimentation surface are increased. The consanguinity of the stability with country of contact and forces is followingStabilityTherefore increasing the size of the base of support will increase the stableness ( Ham et al. , 1998 ) . For some postural malformations, the country of the support base is minify in that respectfore the stableness is improved by addition the support country such as supplying the chest support bole support or buffering on the seating.The balance of sitting encourages the right form or position of spinal. In sidelong position, alliance of spinal is looked somewhat S- form. The key of stable base is the pelvic arm. In the basic of normal posing, the pelvic girdle is centred and rotates rearward as a consequence of the tenseness in hamstrings ( posterior thigh musclemans ) . For maximal stableness and minimal musculus attempt when keeping an good position ( every bit same as in the erect standing place ) , the Centre of mass of the focal ratio organic structure should be maintained over the ischeal tubercles ( Zacharkow, 1984 )balance plane2.bmpThe contact points of the seated position are ischial tubercles, thighs and pess. By supplying support through the thighs, legs and pess, force per unit area is reduced over the ischial tubercles. The thighs are parallel to each other and in the natural place. For the ground that thigh musculuss span the hip and articulatio genus, the grade of hip line and knee extension service on the seating should be avoided to pull of hamstrings. A upper limit of 100 grades of hip flexure and 105 grades of articulatio genus extension is advised ( Mayall and Desharnais, 1995 ) . The pelvic girdle rotates somewhat forward promotes flexure of the lower dorsum or lumbar hollow-back. It will be curved concave to the front to back up the weight of the upper portion bole, weaponries and caput.However, for the mountain with physical disablements who are lacking in postural ability and postural dissymmetries can in any event take to orthopaedic malformations, uncomfortableness, decreased physiologic maps, self-image, and quality of life ( Trefler et al. , 1993 ) . Consequently, substance abusers with a push disability need a sea ting which can counterbalance for the stableness and besides back up the functional and postural ability that each person has.There are many ways to depict the assortment of siting systems for spate with physical disablements. However, in this survey, the seating system will be categorised by 3 characteristics of the chair as shown in table Twenty.Siting system for tidy sum with physical disablementsFeatureCategorizationFunctional of utilizingWheelchairParticular seatingBeginning of energyManualPowerFeature of travelingRigid high-voltage1.3.2 Wheelchair populationA wheelchair is one of the most common devices used to garter users who have limited abilities to walk or travel. The wheelchair user population includes kids, grownups, and aged individuals. There are many grounds for their disablements birth defects ( kids who have motion upsets ) , accidents ( an smart to legs or the spinal column, which controls leg motion ) , infirmity diseases and old age. Harmonizing to Wheelcha ir introduction, over 100 million community with physical disablements worldwide need wheelchairs. It is estimated that the figure of people who need wheelchairs will increase by 22 per centum over the following 10 old ages, with the greatest demand bing in developing states ( Behring. , 2009 ) .In UK, there are an estimated 10 million handicapped people, about 20 % of population ( Office for National Statistics, 2010 Statisticss, 2008 ) and 5 % of people with disablement are a motor damage ( NHS, 2004 Wray, 2005 ) . The proportion of wheelchair population additions with age. Separate into three age groups kids under 18 old ages of age, grownup 18-64 twelvemonth and aged 65 and older, the highest rates are found among the aged population so working age and non many in kids. There are assorted wellness conditions and damages doing a individual demand to utilize wheelchair and these grounds are diverse in different age group of users. In table Twenty shows the wellness condition s and damages describe as the chief cause of functional or activity restriction.Stroke11.1 %Arthritis10.4 %Multiple induration5.0 %Absence lower cognitive process3.7 %Paraplegia3.6 %Orthopaedic lower appendage3.6 %Heart disease3.3 %Cerebral paralysis3.1 %Rheumatoid arthritis3.0 %Diabetess2.4 %( LaPlante et al. , 2009 )Manual seating system is the chair that needs self impeling by users or health professionals. The users of manual wheelchairs by and large have lower appendage failing, palsy, or amputation doing walking insecure or hard at best. They may include persons with spinal electric cord hurts, unilateral paralysis and other types of palsy, multiple induration, intellectual paralysis, spina bifida, arthritis, and lower limb amputations. Typically, the user is a paraplegic or quadriparetic individual who desires to manually impel himself every bit much as possible for the exercising and ensuing wellness benefits.For the wheelchair dependent individual who has to impel by hi s or her ain, the most common country of musculoskeletal is the shoulder. This is because users normally have overload on their upper organic structures to turn the wheels of the wheelchairs. In 2008, Desroches et Al. published a paper in which they studied the relationship between the effectualness of the attendant force at the handrims and the mechanical burden by the net shoulder minutes. They found that more force demands are more at hazard of shoulder hurts on the land that overexploitation. Furthermore, elbows, carpuss and custodies are besides injured because they are non knowing to get by with the insistent contact with the wheelchair pushrims. This rat insistent burden may be one of the possible causes of the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome.Powered wheelchair theoretical accounts are controlled by the user s manus with a little control stick. Users who unable to utilize a manus for maneuvering and control may be capable of a oral dental caries control or breath con trol device. These power wheelchairs are much safer to run with a computing machine inadvertence. However, serious accidents sometimes result from thought or computing machine system failures. ( N.I.R.E. , 2004 ) . The failures may be elusive 1s non recognised by users. Otherwise, they can be in the signifier of a sudden, unthought entire failure of the wheelchair computing machine system, which may ensue in an accident when happening at a critical clip.1.3.3 Particular sitParticular seating designed for people with physical disablements considers demands the like phase of development, disablements and other upsets. At the same clip, ought to see as position, force per unit area and comfort. The mobility and position jobs that motor deadening people face may be due to muscle failings, musculus instabilities and cramp or hapless esthesis. There are many grounds for their disablements like birth defects ( kids who have motion upsets ) , accidents ( an hurt to legs or the spinal c olumn, which controls leg motion ) , infirmity diseases and old age.Siting is a work of complex coordinating of tender-hearted constructions. The form of the pelvic girdle is unstable by nature in sitting place. It can non be kept stable without the cooperation of organic structure musculus and limbs. In add-on, a proper design of constituents such as place backrest, armrest, footrest, etc. , is encourage stableness in the sitting place and the comfort of the place. number one and the foremost for handicapped posing is the importance of stable posing, it is achieved if there is a balance of forces and minutes in all planes ( Letts, 1991 ) . An unstable sitting non merely makes upper organic structure hard to command balance but besides non keep the good place of physiology. A particular place base with a back support can be used which would assists the patient who is being positioned for physical therapy. The supports are made from stuffs such as plyboard, froth and polymer. These stuffs provide postural support and alleviate the force per unit area for patients who have unbalanced organic structures. Nevertheless for kids who have the spasticity CP, they will do their organic structure unbalanced and unstable when have extensor cramp. This in bend makes the patient uncomfortable and impairs their functional ability. Furthermore, CP kids need more seating demands than a broad assortment of people with disablements because of their overactive stretch physiological reactions and irregular stableness.The force per unit area sores are besides considered because this frequently occurs when sitting for a long clip without traveling. A considerable sum of literature has been published on biomechanics of siting system with spastic CP patients, they have investigated the force per unit area forces in sitting place and quick forces of extensor push in patients which impart onto their wheelchairs and they found that high forces can besides do hurts for the kid ( Dawle y and Julian, 2003 Hahn et al. , 2009 ) .The force per unit area ulcers that suffer from force per unit area force in sitting have been concerned for many decennaries. Harrison et Al. published a paper in which they reviewed the literature of sitting biomechanics in normal organic structures. The thought of dynamic seating has been designed in Germany since 1884 for mills that had adjustable backrests and place undersides with rounded forepart borders to cut down force per unit area on the under-thigh part ( Harrison et al. , 1999 ) .The chief aim of presenting the dynamic seating to the design of the chair is to avoid the force per unit area ulcer. Dynamic siting systems have been available on the market since 1989 ( Hahn et al. , 2009 ) by including spring loaded, elastic constituents or powered devices, in the outlook that it will react suitably to the users with virile musculus cramp, cut down the hurting and cut down force per unit area from restricted position. For people wi th physical disablements particularly patients who have noticeable extensor spasticity the dynamic design ease them non merely to forestall the force per unit area ulcer and hurt to the user but besides proscribe breakage of the chair. Dynamic seating constituents are designed to travel as a consequence of forceful motions exerted by a client ( Magnuson and Dilabio, 2003 ) . The dispute of the effectivity and impact of the surrogate design has been discussed. Several surveies have attempted to explicate that to repair a place would be more good for patients physical therapy than to change the sitting position every clip of extensor cramp ( Barnes, 1998 Herman and Lange, 1999 ) . However, the surrogate design is presumed that when musculuss stretch, the forces produced between place s parts and their organic structures would diminish with customs duty of the dynamic constituents. Furthermore, this system can be approved and it does non hold any negative consequence for the long t erm use. The basic apprehension of physical features of the user is indispensable for the design and consideration of postural support. Furthermore, it is really indispensable to understand the scope of the forces that are being applied to the user s organic structure when using postural support within a seating system.Barnes M.R. ( 1998 ) Reappraisal Management of spasticity. Age and Ageing 27239-245.Behring. K. ( 2009 ) Wheelchair Distribution Project Serving the World, Wheelchair foundation Wetherby, UK.Chaffin D.B. , Andresson G.B.J. ( 1984 ) Occupational Biomechanics John Wiley & A Sons, Inc, the United State of America.Dawley J. , Julian R. ( 2003 ) Purpose, Use And Fabrication Of A Custom Made Dynamic Backrest, 19th International Seating Symposium, Florida, USA. pp. 145-147.Hahn M.E. , Simkins S.L. , Gardner J.K. , Kaushik G. ( 2009 ) A Dynamic Seating System for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 1221-30.Ham R. , Aldersea P. , Porter D. ( 1998 ) Wheelchair users and postural siting a clinical tone-beginning Churchill Livingstone, New York, USA.Harrison D.D. , Harrison S.O. , Croft A.C. , Harrison D.E. , Troyanovich S.J. ( 1999 ) Siting biomechanics Part I Reappraisal of the Literature. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 22594-609.Herman J.H. , Lange M.L. ( 1999 ) Seating and positioning to pull off spasticity after encephalon hurt Journal NeuroRehabilitation 12105-117.Lacoste M. , Therrien M. , Cote J.N. , Shrier I. , Labelle H. , Prince F. ( 2006 ) Appraisal of Seated Postural Control in Children Comparison of a Force Platform Versus a Pressure Mapping System. Archivess of somatogenetic Medicine and Rehabilitation 871623-1629.LaPlante M. , Kaye S. , Kang T. ( 2009 ) Wheelchair Use in the United States, UCSF Disability Statistics CenterInstitute for Health & A Aging.Letts R. ( 1991 ) General rules of siting Boca Raton CRC Press.Magnuson S. , Dilabio M. ( 2003 ) Dynamic Seating Components The ruff Evidence and Clinical Experience, 19th International Seating Symposium, Florida, USA. pp. 109-111.Mayall J.K. , Desharnais G. ( 1995 ) Positioning in a wheelchair a usher for professional health professionals of the handicapped grownup second erectile dysfunction. erectile dysfunction. Thorofare, NJN.I.R.E. ( 2004 ) Mobility Training for User and Public Safety, The National Institute for Rehabilitation Engineering.NHS. ( 2004 ) Bettering Servicess for Wheelchair Users and Carers Good Practice Guide, Executive sum-up, NHS Purchasing and Supply commission rehabilitation squad.Office for National Statistics G.R.O.f.S. , Northern Ireland Statistics & A Research Agency. ( 2010 ) , Office for National Statistics, General Register Office for Scotland, Northern Ireland Statistics & A Research Agency.Statisticss T.O.f.N. ( 2008 ) Registered filmdom and Partially Sighted People England twelvemonth stoping 31 March 2008, Department of Health, The Office for National Statistics.Trefler E. , Hobson D.A. , Taylor S.J. , Monahan L.C. , Shaw C.G. , Zimbleman C. ( 1993 ) Seating AND MOBILITY For Persons with Physical Disabilities San Antonio Therapy Skill Builders.Wray M. ( 2005 ) Bing Inclusive in the fanciful and Performing Arts, BICPA, the eight spouses of CADISE ( The Consortium of Humanistic disciplines and Design Institutions in Southern England )Zacharkow D. ( 1984 ) wheelchair Posture and Pressure Sores Charles C Thomas Publisher, Illinois, USA.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Genres of Literature Essay

Genres of belles-lettres atomic number 18 important to learn about. The two main categories separating the different genres of literature are legend and nonfictional prose. There are several genres of literature that fall under the nonfiction category. nonfiction sits in direct opposition to fiction. Examples from both the fiction and nonfiction genres of literature are explained in detail below. This detailed genres of literature list is a great resource to share with both scholars.Types of NonfictionNarrative Nonfiction is information based on fact that is presented in a format which tells a story. Essays are a short literary composition that reflects the authors outlook or point. A short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, ordinarily in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative. A Biography is a written account of another persons life. An Autobiography gives the history of a persons life, written or told by that person. Often written in Narrative form of their persons life.Speech is the faculty or power of speaking oral communion ability to express ones thoughts and emotions by speech, sounds, and gesture. Generally delivered in the form of an address or discourse. Finally there is the general genre of Nonfiction. This is Informational school text dealing with an actual, real-life subject. This genre of literature offers opinions or conjectures on facts and reality. This includes biographies, history, essays, speech, and narrative non fiction. Nonfiction opposes fiction and is distinguished from those fiction genres of literature like poetry and drama which is the future(a) section we will discuss.Genres of FictionDrama is the genre of literature thats subject for compositions is dramatic art in the way it is represented. This genre is stories composed in verse or prose, usually for theatrical performance, where conflicts and emotion are expressed through dialogue and action. Poetry is verse and rhythmic writin g with imagery that elevates an ablaze response from the reader. The art of poetry is rhythmical in composition, written or spoken. This genre of literature is for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. conjuration is the forming of mental images with strange or other worldly settings or characters fiction which invites suspension of reality. Humor is the faculty of perceiving what is amusing or comical. Fiction full of fun, fancy, and fermentation which meant to entertain. This genre of literature substructure actually be seen and contained within all genres. A Fable is a story about unearthly or sinful people Usually in the form of narration that demonstrates a useful truth. In Fables, animals often speak as humans that are legendary and supernatural tales. Fairy Tales or wonder tales are a kind of folktale or fable.Sometimes the stories are about fairies or other magical creatures, usually for children. Science Fiction is a story based on impact of potential science, either actual or imagined. Science fiction is one of the genres of literature that is set in the future or on other planets. Short Story is fiction of such briefness that is not able to support any subplots. Realistic Fiction is a story that can actually happen and is true to real life. Folklore are songs, stories, myths, and proverbs of a person of folk that was handed depressed by word of mouth. Folklore is a genre of literature that is widely held, but false and based on unsubstantiated beliefs. Historical Fiction is a story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting.Horror is an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by literature that is frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting. Fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the characters and the reader. A Tall Tale is a humorous story with blatant exaggerations, swaggering heroes who do the unfeasible with an here of nonchalance. Legend is a story that sometimes of a national or folk hero. Legend is based on fact but as well as includes imaginative material. Mystery is a genre of fiction that deals with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of secrets. Anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or unknown. Mythology is a type of legend or traditional narrative. This is often based in part on historical events, that reveals human behavior and natural phenomena by its symbolism often pertaining to the actions of the gods.A body of myths, as that of a particular people or that relating to a particular person. Fiction in Verse is whole novels with plot, subplots, themes, with major and minor characters. Fiction of verse is one of thegenres of literature in which the narrative is usually presented in blank verse form. The genre of Fiction can be defined as narrative literary works whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. In fiction something is feigned, invented, or imagined a made-up story. Th e Oxford English Dictionary is a great place to consult for any further definitions of the different genres of literature explained here.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Hopwood Summary

Anthony Hopwoods article centering Accounting Research in a Changing World makes a compelling analysis of the future tense of forethought explanation. Hopwood discusses several issues with respect to management accounting, but stresses the fact that he is not concerned with preserving previous accomplishments instead he is worried how this professional field will adapt in the ever-changing line of work world. This article specifically addresses the effect that mainstream tendencies, autonomy, and world changes go on management accounting and its research.It is seed that current tendencies have caused a decrease in curiosity-oriented research. Hopwood explains that many business schools are focused on earning specific accreditations and do this by requiring professors to give research. Since they are not genuinely interested in the research, their studies are often establish off of previous data and theories. Additionally, the article explains how there is a strict hierarchica l structure that controls management accounting research.Both of these ciphers obviously limit the freedom and future shape up of research. Hopwood also argues that autonomy is another sweep of concern. Recently, accounting research and practice has become more distant. Within the field of medicine physicians often conduct research while simultaneously applying technical skills in a normal work environment. This advances the quality and progress of their research. Hopwood believes that without an autonomous relationship between research and practice the field of management accounting will induce at large.The constant changes of the worlds economical and political environments are yet another factor affecting the need for management accountants. Hopwood feels that management accounting research should recognize these changes in order to improve its overall relevance. Since management accounting practices have not changed significantly since their inception many people believe th at it is irrelevant in todays business world. Hopwood helps show the actual importance of management accounting and the need to revolutionize its research.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Wild Swans

ludicrous Swans Three Daughters of China is a archives of lead propagations of Chinese women from Imperial China through and beyond the heathen Revolution. Changs grandmother was a warlords concubine. Her thinly raised mother struggled with hardships in the early days of monoamine oxidases revolution and rose, like her husband, to a prominent vista in the Communist Party onward world denounced during the Cultural Revolution. Chang herself marched, worked, and breathed for Mao until doubt crept in over the excesses of his policies and purges.Born just a few decades apart, their lives overlap with the end of the warlords regime and overthrow of the Japanese occupation, violent struggles between the Kuomintang and the Communists to carve up China, and, most poignant for the author, the vicious cycle of purges orchestrated by Chairman Mao that discredited and crushed millions of masses, including her pargonnts. Jung Chang has said that her intention in writing Wild Swans was to describe how the Chinese people, and in particular the women in her family, fought tenaciously and courageously a take onst impossible odds.The book is, indeed, a proof to the strength and determination of herself, her mother and her grandmother and their resourcefulness in recreating themselves time and again in the salute of suffering, humiliation and disillusionment. Personal and historical stories interweave and the stories of these women and their families act as a lens through which we gain further insight into the turbulent register of twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate China. One such insight involves the interference of women in Chinese society through the years. There are no stunning revelations here entirely in that respect are many horrific reminders.The grandmothers early life reveals a litany of horrors, such as the badgering which was the custom of foot binding and the slain truth and hardship that was the lot of the concubine. Changs mother endures a diffe rent variety show of hardship, one born of her husbands unbending principles and her own trueness to a warped ideology. At eighteen, and despite the item that she is pregnant, she is forced to walk a journey of one thousand miles through five mountain passes, turn her husband, a senior officer in the communist guerrilla army, rides in a jeep.He insists that she moldiness walk lest he be acc utilise of favouritism. The miscarriage that results does non, however, diminish the fanaticism which induced it, and it is not until his idealism has been totally shattered that he begins to realise the pain endured for its sake. This tragedy of collapsed idealism and disillusionment lies at the marrow of Wild Swans. Changs parents dogged loyalty is rewarded by punishment and humiliation when the devotion, through which control was maintained, infects the movement itself in the form of paranoia and suspicion.Jung Chang herself moves through the stages of allegiance, confusion and eventu al(prenominal) disillusionment as the true nature of Maoism begins to reveal itself. Her tyro, promptly a victim of his own inflexibility, dies tormented, while Jung Chang and her mother find ways of using their experience to explicate new lives for themselves. In fiction, such victory over evil might be considered improbable. In reality, it is nonentity short of a miracle. The genre of this novel is autobiography, which is realistically and vividly told.There are some very vivid and warm insights given of human relationships and love. The need for security and family is vividly evoked and subtly rendered. It forms a very faithful record and history of some of the worst atrocities in China, a regime that showed itself to be totally self-destructive at the end. The narrative is brisk and fluid. At times the narrative verges on something sympathetic to a journalists report. The conclusion however is optimistic.Some of the set, which are portrayed in this book, are love, family l ife, loyalty, courage and a belief in the essential dignity of the human existence. this novel written by Jung Chang traces the life of three generations of her family. Set in China it gives us an insight into almost eighty years of the ethnic history of that plain, beginning in the year 1909 and moving up to the present day. The author a native Chinese now living in London builds the narrative around her own experiences and her family all of whose lives spans different cultural periods in Chinas history.The Three Daughters of the title are Chang herself, her mother and her maternal grandmother and the novel chronicles the events of their lives spanning a century of Chinas stormy history. Chang begins the story by recounting her grandmothers experiences, in the 1920s, as concubine to a powerful warlord and her eventual escape from his household. She continues with the story of her mothers involvement, during the 1940s, 50s and 60s, with the communist movement under Mao Tse Tung a nd her parents fall from power and ensuant imprisonment under the same regime.She goes on the recall her own experiences with the brutal Red Guards, her re-education as a farm and factory worker and her eventual departure from China to Great Britain in 1978. Womens Place in Chinese Culture The early part of the novel shows the adjust of the woman in this culture. Women had no position or point of view on things they were used as objects, treated as concubines and treated with despise by society. The development of Communism is treated with realism and evokes the most gruesome aspects of Maos regime of dictatorship.The reiterated use of corporeal violence becomes almost excessive at times. The destruction of Chinese culture, its seats of learning, books artistic treasures are not only mindless but also shown to be satanic at times. The death of Mao frees the country somewhat from this state of oppression. Universities are free to function, intellectuals come tot the fore again an d people are free to articulate their opposition to the regime. Violence The novel reflects the depths of cruelty and unnatural behaviour, which the human being sack up descend. CommunismAll the horrors of life under Maos regime are depicted in graphic detail, and the cardinal corruption, which sparked off the Cultural Revolution, is vividly recorded. As the novel unfolds the profoundly sadistic features of Communism and especially the Cultural Revolution are clear. Family life is slowly but systematically destroyed by suspicion and lies. suspect and Deceit are rampant in this society and everyone is used to undermine their neighbour. It is an oppressive and stifling nimbus sustained by brutal torture and violence, where betrayal and slander are rife.Wild SwansJung Changs 1991 novel, Wild Swans gives the reader a significant insight into a period of incertitude and insecurity in Chinese history. From the novel the viewer is able to identify universal issues which are still pre valent today. Feminism recurs throughout the text as the women adjure for respect as their society faces turmoil, using the communist tackle of Mao as their opportunity for equality. Wang Yu represents the public as his own values clash with that of the communists. Due to his unswerving loyalty to the party he dismisses his own morals for that of a higher power.Grandfather Wu Er-ya-tous attitude is echoed throughout the text as he believed that a women should suppress their emotions and to have no opinion. This is demonstrated as each women of each generation struggles against this outlook and either succumbs or fights against it. Foot binding represents submission to traditional values and conventions, a illustration for womens lack of rights. Women constantly modified their bodies to conform to societys expectations, indicating their lack of dependency and individuality.Power and post is based on a mans property such as concubines being collected. it was severe for a man in hi s position to have as many concubines as possible they showed a mans status. This exhibits this period of Chinese history as emotional attachment is upstage and women are treated as a possession which bettered her husbands prestige. swallowed opium to accompany him into death. This establishes that there was no escape from the obedience which is forced upon the women by society.Womens lives were dedicated to serving their men as they followed them into death. seen as a means of keeping people like her contented society wanted people such as concubines to be in a constant haze where there was no witness of critical thinking or rebellion. The first my grandmother knew.. this demonstrates the grandmothers lack of participation in her own affairs. Jung Changs emotive writing style aims for sympathy from the reader as she is factual and brunt, hoping for the reader to connect to the topographic point as they apply their own emotions.The changing roles of women are significant as it d emonstrates a time of neuter in Chinese history. As equality in wealth is fought for under Maos rein the women have also fought for equality in genders. The traditional saying, Women have long hair and short intelligence service is distinguished as the women are displayed as strong and independent in the generation of De-Hong. These individuals are a contrast to their previous generation who were submissive and obedient.As three generations of women are represented in the novel the sense of hearing has a rich understanding of the lives of women in a shifting period of history. Wang Yu (Jung Changs father) can be considered a bureau of the people of China as he gives his unswerving loyalty to communism. Although his personal values and the values of communism clash he continues to stand for communism and bring justice to for the cause. Dr Xia could tell that my father was not fully convinced himself, but felt he had to defend the party.This demonstrates Wang Yus uncertainty abo ut the morals of the communism yet indicates his need for equality of the people. This could be due to his youth being surrounded by poverty while many flaunted their wealth around him. Objective language is used throughout the novel in order to shock the audience as they describe brutal events in a factual manner. The reader is able to understand the fear of the public as an example of children being forced to watch the torture of rebels is executed in order to prevent an uprising.This indicates that the people were forced into loyalty by fear. By the voice having such an unsympathetic recount of the story she has actually manipulated the audience as they feel protective over the children. This universal theme of loyalty to your countrys values is exposed in an undesirable manner in the text as many primary characters are negatively affected. De-Hong (Jung Changs mother) becomes embittered by her husband as he displays allegiance to the revolution before her. One wickedness she cou ld not stand it anymore, and burst into tears for the first time.This demonstrates Wang Yus complete dedication to communism as his strict rules come before his wife. Jung Chang criticises her fathers strict and unswerving loyalty to communism as the hardship he had enforced onto his family can be compared to the suffering caused by the corruption indoors the party. Dongs conscience was troubled, and that whenever he was due to garrotte someone, he had to get himself drunk advance(prenominal). The executioner displays his lack of belief in the cause as he has to be intoxicated before killing a person.This expresses to the audience that he understands that the beliefs of Mao are wrong but due to fear he is forced to continue. Jung Chang has provided the audience of Wild Swans a clear insight into Chinese history as major changes developed throughout three significant generations of women. Universal issues are displayed as women begin their fight for equality and the reasons for loy alty are questioned in an uncertain environment. The reader gains comprehension of these matters through Jung Changs representation of the events.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Miss Julie/a Dolls House

2) Miss Julie/ A Dolls dramaturgy DFK 120 Erene Oberholzer 11045231 Dr. M. Taub 4 kinfolk 2012 In this essay two plays, Miss Julie written by elevated Strindberg, and A Dolls home plate written by Hendrik Ibsen will be comp atomic number 18d and concerns such as gender, identity and mark will be contextualized. The section Ive chosen to portray echtism and other elements concerning these two plays resourced to the rifle rascals of both scripts. As I see the last pages construct the difference between the plays and characters. Both these plays pronounce a strand of realism, as in the Traditional Western canon.Third world text can be characterized by their degree of immediacy, topicality, mimetic quality, and even amicable realism (Gugelburger, G. M1991). world The term Realism introduces a strand of thought and considers the world as not reality but, mere appearance. We have no access to reality other than through representations. Yet, all representations only show us parti cular perspectives on reality. When people use the term realistic to describe a put down they are saying the film shows them an image of reality that they have come to know.Realism is a constructive construct, produced by reconcilable codes and conventions which change oer snip. Realism has been constructed to point turn out existing social reality. Naturalism, on the other hand, conveys a representation that looks sounds and feels similar the actual world outside the work of art. Naturalism looks sounds and feels like the things we would expect (Bob Nowlan sn sp). Where Ibsen trends to a greater extent to the line of realism, Strindberg informs pragmatism in his writings. For Strindberg good naturalism looked for natural conflicts. For him admittedly naturalism meant truth to nature.He was determined to have his plays subscribe to with fundamental truths. Miss Julie contains traces of symbolism, which were born out of the foundation of naturalism. Although many believe that due to the use of typic affects in Miss Julie, the play drifts away from the naturalistic, and more to the realistic. Strindberg employ all the elements needed for the development of the mend and the transference of superiority from Julie to Jean. Naturalism does not help for the development of the plot, whereas realism is a structure that reveals real life events and is focused on the people pictured, as shown in Miss Julie.Strindberg precious to create prominent illusion. His audience was to be completely convinced of the reality of the world off stage, and then transported into a scope of influence. Ibsens contribution to realism began when he consciously started to dramatize the forces and frictions of modern life. Ibsen indicates in A Dolls stomach that he was creating a particular life through Nora. Ibsens dialogue of A Dolls House comes of course he wanted the spectator to sit down, listen and look at events that happens in real life.Ibsen wrote generally about hidden relationships, social conversion and secret fears and anxieties Strindbergs play was actually written as a response to Ibsens A Doll fireside. Ibsen wrote his plays advocating women, and Strindberg had a contrary view. Hendrik Ibsens attitude toward orderliness is evident in his double vision of a secure social position. On the one hand, its a defense against attack, on the other such concerns lead to hypocrisies and superficial values. His play reveals him as utmost more than a realist (Taylor, J. 972 sp). Comparing My examples of both plays illustrate the elements of gender, identity and family. Both playwrights scripts set the last page out to set everything about the differences of these elements. By the ending we can see the fall (Strindberg) and rising of the charwoman (Ibsen) in social society that conviction. Gender, class&identity in A Dolls House Hendrik Ibsen was known as the father of modern drama as he helped popularize realism. He became an observer of the real piece life and informed realism in drama.In 1877 Norways social structure influenced Ibsens writings. He wanted to extol freedom and truth in his people. A Dolls House questions the suppressed role of women in that times society and also introduced the woman as having their own goals and own purposes. Torvald reveals many times his impairment viewpoint on gender roles. He believes his wives duty is to be at home and embarks on her to everlastingly appear beautiful. The central conflict in this playwright revolves around Trovalds gibeling treatment of his wife.The tragedy of this base is not only about a man controlling his wife, but also the dehumanizing of the children (Mahal 2012476). They are never given a chance to improving their position in the society. Nora, in the beginning of the play, seems to be happy and content whereas she acts out child like qualities. When Torvald walks in Noras childlike qualities becomes more transparent. His true character is later revealed wh en he accuses Nora of forgery and when he tries to disown her. His attitude changes when everything is sorted out, but she walks out of the marriage.Nora is depicted until the end of the play as a helpless, mindless fool (Mahal 2012 476). In the end of this story this degrading treatment of Nora by her husband is resolved. This play stresses upon the status of women and how their roles were perceived, as mothers and wives. Nora feels like shes been used as doll for her father and her husband, with no depth in their relationships. Nora exits her dolls house with a door slam, emphatically resolving the play with an act of bold self-assertion. A Dolls house appears to mislead the audience of the characters true colors.Our first impression of Nora is that she is childlike and Torvald is seen as strong. The plays terminate leads to the expose of resolving identity confusion. Nora becomes to be a brave woman and Torvald a sad man. Gender, class&identity in Miss Julie Strindberg was a Swe dish playwright and drew his writings from personal experiences. He failed at three marriages. Circumstances made him a naturalistic writer. He was known as a misogynist and a women hater. In Miss Julie (1879) he expresses his hatred for the opposite sex.He was forced to write a second ending for the play after much contr all oversy. The play was censored all over atomic number 63 as the play was socially offensive to women. The daughter of a count has an affair with a valet, who in turn forces her to commit suicide. Strindberg had an eye for injustice, but only dealt with the problem of womens rights as a view of realism in his plays. Julie suffers an identity crisis and displays her regard for class and gender conventions. She mingles with the servant when a party is thrown.She expresses stiff behavior but on other times she is coy. Jean warns her of her behavior as she was seen as a temptress. She wavers between the high and low class identity, and is in the end confused with h er own identity. Julie also identifies herself with both female and male figures. She confesses she has no self she can call her own. The characters in Miss Julie are portrayed through gender, class and ideology. In the end she orders Jean to hypnotize her to commit suicide. The play reveals Julie having no control over her sexual instincts.Once Julie and Jean seduced each other, their lives are changed (Ramandeep Mahal 2012 sp) mentions that the aristocrat in the social sphere becomes the slave of the valet and the valet becomes the aristocrat in the sexual sphere as Julie lowers herself beyond redemption. Julie is seen as an example of the naturalistic movement. The characters are seen as helpless products of hereditary and environment who interact with their minds and bodies, as they would in real life (Mahal 2012 sp). Both playwrights by Ibsen and Strindberg came of shocking the audience of their time, with the way they portrayed their women characters.Theyre depicting of sex and divorce was set off to much controversy (Mahal 2012475). A Dolls House is considered to be more libber work, where Strindberg has been seen as his arch enemy on that point. Ibsen has been seen to deny writing in a feminist point of view he has said many times that he wrote for the everyday man. Strindberg tended to emancipate woman. For example when Julie grows conscious about her humiliation she falls to Jeans knees. Jean triumphantly stands over her. This also symbolizes the hierarchy of the 1800s.These ideas govern the central world of the everyday in the aspect that they inform social hierarchies and show out elements of real happenings people experience everyday. Women were demanded by men, and men were befallen to the beauty of women. In that time of social structure woman belonged in the kitchen (As Strindbergs points out in Miss Julie) and they were there to go on the kids and beautify their homes. That was the real world. Some of these conventions still stand today in aspect of class and gender. Resources Ibsen, H. A. A Dolls House. Gugelburger, G.M. 1991. Germainistik, the Canon, and Third world literature. Mahal, R. 2012. A comparative study of Portrayal of women in Ibsens A Dolls House and Strindbergs Miss Julie. Available. o. Accessed 2 September 2012 www. rspublication,com Lukas, Nowlan, B. An introduction to the problematics of Realism in video, film, and moving image- culture. Available. o. Accessed 2 September 2012 www. uwec. edu/ranowlan/realism film_video_moving-imag_culture. html. Taylor, J. C. 1972. Ritual, realism, and revolt Major traditions in the drama. New York Schribner.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Herman Miller Inc Essay

From the home office of Herman moth miller Inc. , Curt Pullen talks amid the unmistak fitted pounding sounds and commotion associated with a construction work lay intimately his teleph nonp atomic fig 18ilrs plan to rebound from the recession. Pullen, the fuddleds executive vice chasten and president of North America, says the workers atomic number 18 installing new misfortunateer-height Herman milling machine workstations builded to accommodate a organic evolution balancenalise in offices toward more than(prenominal) open, collaborative environments.The new product, called learn, is interpreter of the social clubs market-shift scheme afterward the call for for office furniture fell hard during the economic downturn. The plan besides involves diversifying into the health supervise and academic furniture markets and more emphasis on emergent economies. The plan appears to be paying off. For the start judgment of conviction in nearly four courses the fri endship melodic themeed two straightforward billet of double-digit dowryage gross gross revenue harvest-home after releasing its second-quarter earnings statement on Dec 15th.Orders in the second quarter rose 34% to $462 million. CEO Brian Walker noted the unions spread out market reach as a contributing factor to growth. Signifi force outt appends occurred in international markets where gross revenue rose 33%. In 2010 the guild acquired UK-establish ergonomic workstation manufacturer Colebrook Bos news Saunders and barter ford summations from Australian furniture fixater nutriment Edge Group. In 2008, the company announced a partnership with Chinas Posh note Systems Ltd. to expand in the Asia-Pacific region.The company attributed a category-end surge to gains in its international, health care, learning and sell vertical markets. The expanding health care industry has become one of the companys key out growth tar forces. One of the more recent expansions into the health care field came on Jan. 31 when Herman miller unblemished its acquisition of health care furniture manufacturer Nemschoff Chairs LLC based in Sheboygan, Wis. Herman moth miller intented the Canvas workstation at a discredit height than traditional workstations to facilitate a workplace write out toward more collaborative environments.The design all overly digests more light into work areas and saves space, the company says. Including sinks and headwalls, to be recon get ind to extend to patient role needs. 2. Business Strategy Broad Differentiation Strategies This outline pursues the bribeers needs and p indicateence to machinate them satisfied with the product. And to be incompatible from another(prenominal) rivals, the product must stick out unique product attributes that a wide range of buyers find appealing and worth paying for. The scheme progress tos its aim when an attractively vauntingly numbers of buyers find the customer buyer billhook propositi on.Herman miller is pursuing this outline as we refer to the case study that their products are based on the design which is designed according to the citizenry who give the furniture. Like the president of Herman moth miller said mountain are important not the furniture. Furniture should be useful. Besides, this company emphasizes on product design and environmental friendly, these are two basic things that they grant been practicing for many another(prenominal) decades. Furthermore, they likewise invest more in investigate and matu balancen for product innovation.Take an pillowcase of office design product, Herman milling machines Insight and Explo ration squad observed various workplaces to analyze how people collaborate and the ways in which their interactions vary over the course of a day, and through and throughout the tone of a project by differentiating the subtleties of how, when, where, and why people connect independent of content or industry. ranking(preno minal) Researcher Shilpi Kumar notes that, outlining these collaborative work behaviors leave behind empower designers and ending contractrs with a greater understanding for how people really work, and will enable more informed choices in regards to office spaces. Herman moth miller takes advantage of the festering desire for green products to create a better world and step-up ergonomic furniture, because the consumers are uncoerced to pay a premium for much(prenominal) quality and social responsible product. Since the designer of Herman milling machine stress quality, excellence, and the continual improvement of their products, obviously one of their product which is designed by Charles and Ray Eames since its launch in 1950 had developed from p surviveic chair to wood chair in 2000.She also confirmed that this wood chair is century cartridge clips recyclable since Herman milling machine is concerned about environmental friendly, and Eames Molded Wood posture Chair earns Gold award at NeoCon 2013 in the Guest Seating category. 3. operational dodging Research and Development (R&D) This category focuses on strategy that is concerned with the actions in managing particular functions within a business especially in R&D. In terminals of Herman moth miller R&D, they invested in research and development (R&D) monetaryly. Although in that approve was downturn in monetary, Herman milling machine still invested tens of millions of dollars in R&D.The investment in R&D was code named Purple. A result of investment in R&D was an member of project Purple. The final stage of this project was to spread beyond the boundaries of normal business. Herman miller created a special team called the accessories team in which the team-identified a electric potential growth area. This team is do to recruit people with different discip ancestrys needed to hold in that goal. In addition, this team focuses on contributing ideas to the success of the team from all r esources and also to develop a particular product as it goes through that piece of work.This project is in line with functional strategy of R&D in which a companys product development represents the plan for keeping the companys product in accordance with what buyers are looking for (Thompson et al, 2014). In the case of Herman milling machine Inc, they began with research in every real design solution in which the growth and insights of the best research leads to human-centered design and problem solving. Herman miller Inc is doing many things for R&D in the case of education, sustainability, process, healthcare, manufacturing, architectures design and ergonomics.Herman Miller Inc has its major R&D activities and projects, i. e. its way to support and develop a companys product. harmonise to Herman Millers financial statement for monetary yearn time 2006-2011, thither was a decline in design and research in 2009 receivable to the ongoing economic downturn. attribute 1. 1 S pending on Design and research So far, they commit done roughly research projects regarding education such as students research work behaviors fag end innovation spaces. In the fall 2012, there was a project Herman Miller funded as a way of investing in the next generation of workers by giving students the chance to apply what hey learn in a real-world setting. Herman Miller wanted them to look at the business objective of the company. Besides Herman Miller providing the funds, the employees of the company also participated in the project.After the field research, the goal of this project was that the students shared what they had learned from going to the company for a workshop. The company also wanted to discover more about places that encourage creativity and the places of creative people. Besides Herman Miller providing the funds, the employee of the company also participated in the project. In regarding with the research in technology, the research starts by understanding wh ich expert trends are creating new behaviors in the workplace. So from that, they raft produce new design solution. Over the last three years, a group of designers, engineers, and researchers, the Insight Herman Miller and Exploration Team (I & E) has focused on emerging technologies and how they alter social behavior in the workplace.Herman Millers goal is to identify the technology trends that are relevant to the office and also understanding new behaviors that allow the designers, architects and manufacturers to bring new workplace design. For healthcare, Herman Miller Healthcare saw the opportunity to study and analyze by doing the research from the discussion of Bluewater health in which prior to design development and also the satisfaction and safety of patients and supply members. Herman Miller Healthcare is sponsoring a research project that will explore how changes in the built environment have bear upon staff in three important areas Ambulatory Care, Intensive Care Uni t and Emergency Department. 3 4. Functional Strategies Marketing Marketing is one of the strategies used under functional strategy.First and foremost, Herman Miller products were interchange internationally through wholly owned subsidiaries in countries including Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, China, India, and the Netherlands. Hence, they use the international strategy to get by its products in each country. In other words, they use the foreign subsidiary strategies because it seemed that they prefer to have a direct go out over all aspects of operating in a foreign country that is the reason why they launch wholly owned subsidiaries.As a result, this strategy was successful as their print was recognized by customers and increase customer base spreading over degree Celsius countries. Moreover, they used green marketing strategy to sell their products. This is because they mainly focus on environmental friendly such as Mirra chair, one of their products which was made of 45 percent recycled materials, and 96 percent of its material were recyclable. Therefore, the chairs used 100 percent renewable energy. imputable to this strategy used, Mirra chair was recorded as one of the Top 10 Green Products by architectural Record and Environmental Building news.Hence, this can indicate the success of using this strategy. In addition, Herman Miller prosecute in cooperating advertising with strategic partners. As the example of Hilton Garden Inns which they equipped the Mirra chair in nigh room and on the desk in the room, was a card that explain how to ad unspoilt the chair tour also providing the advertisement of Herman Millers website, how to purchase the products. Likewise, this is one of the advertising used to promote their products by using the strategic partner. As a result, they can take the advertising appeal and gain more brand awareness. . Operating Strategy Lean Production Initially, at Spring Lake, Herman Miller had invested in a goliath robot assembly that welded supports inside file cabinet housings, including a tractor-trailer-length automated welding line with 1,000 sensors to press labor completely out of the process. Unfortunately, big customers like Hewlett-Packard and AT&T were pulling their smart sets of 100 quite of 500 and some wanted file cabinets in two weeks instead of six with much high quality.The Spring Lake plant could not deliver, and certainly not for the lower scathes customers pick uped. 995, they adapted Toyotas leading-edge formula for plant-floor caution into an approach they called the Herman Miller Performance System (Booz&co. , 2010, para 20). Based on the above quote, it depicted that Herman Millers decision to employ Herman Miller Performance System (HMPS) lean production, was to maintain efficiencies and comprise nest egg by minimizing the centre of store on hand through a just-in-time process. To ensure a mobile flow on the order driven production, Herman Miller collaborated with reliable and strategic suppliers.HMPS created competitive advantage through large assembly manufacturing based. For example, direct materials and components purchased as needed to meet the demand and some suppliers delivered parts to Herman Miller production facilities five or six times per day. This resulted in a standard lead time of 10 to 20 days for majority of the products and low inventories on hand. Interestingly, HMPS managed to increase the variable apostrophizes rather than fixed costs while retaining proprietary control over manufacturing process.It was reported that the plant managers across Herman Miller have learned that the best-run plants rely on people, not machines. Only people can solve problems to thread assembly lines go faster, run cheaper, and deliver higher quality (Booz&co. , 2010, para 25). Therefore, it can be cerebrate that labor intensive approach tend to excel machine intensive approach especially when t he products demand further customization with limited time and the majority of industry products are built to each customers unique order. Question 2 refinement at HMI healthy and largely supportive of good strategy execution.Herman Miller had codified its long-practiced schemeal determine, intended as a basic for uniting all employees, grammatical construction proportionship, and contributing to society. Herman Miller started in 1905 with the Star Furniture company and created the Herman Miller furniture company with his son in law named Dirk Jan De Pree. From the beginning, De Pree committed himself to treating all workers as individuals with specials talents and potential. This was part of Herman Millers corporate gloss which continued to turn back respect for all employees and take advantage of the diversity of skills possessed by all.This is one of the functional strategies in corporate culture in Herman Miller Inc in which included the companys approach to people focu ssing, procedures and operating practices that provide the guidelines for the behavior of the company. The impact of this culture became one of the competitive advantages that make strong management and employee satisfaction in the company. The business principles and honorable standard of Herman Miller are the management practices as the key of companys culture. Herman Miller was one of the furniture company named to Fast Companys Most Innovative Companies in both 2008 and 2010.Herman Miller had pursued a path of reinvention and renewal. Herman Miller has many ways to develop their products and its culture is also unique. Through the growing of the company, Herman Miller maintains the relationship with the employees. Herman Millers commitment to innovation included sharing ideas and opinions from the employees. On January 1979, Herman Miller established new organization structures that included all employees were to be given the opportunity to discuss new plan in minuscule group s ettings. In addition, Herman Miller also established a plan in which all employees became shareholders.Herman Miller Inc. also focuses on more efficient and environmentally friendly by taking a major initiative in 1981. It is in line with a better world value which is pursuing sustainability and environmental policy. They established environmental quality action team whose goal was to coordinate environmental programs worldwide that involves many employees. A Herman Millers culture is grounded in and resides to certain core value and some sets for ethical behavior. Herman Miller had long practiced organizational values that were still used in 2012.The values are as basis for uniting all employees, building relationship, adapt the implied attitude, behaviors and work practices. The company adopted inclusiveness which essence they include all the expressions of human talent and potential that society offers. As mentioned before, Herman Miller corporate culture continued to create res pect to all employees and looking for and utilizing the skills possessed by anyone. The second value is design in which it is important to Herman Miller Inc. in order to make innovative products. It is the way for them for looking at the world and how it can work.The results of this value are Herman Miller established many innovative products and designs. In 1971 and 1984, they introduced products based on ergonomics principles such as the Ergon chair and Equa chair. For another groundbreaking design, it introduced the Aeron chair which was almost added to New York Museum of Modern Arts permanent design collection in 1990. Other important values are based on Herman Millers best performance that focuses on enriching the lives of employees, customers and create value for the shareholders.The result of this value has made Herman Miller share the gains and pains with the employees especially about the compensation. All employees authoritative a base pay and they also participated in a profit sharing program where they received stock in accordance to the companys financial performance. The company also offered to the employees the employee stock purchase plan (ESPP), retirement income plan, offered annual bonus to all employees based on companys performance, and in regard to profit sharing both the employees and executives have same calculation of bonus potential. High performance cultureIn Herman Miller Inc. there is a strong sense of involvement on the part of company personnel and emphasis on individual initiative and creativity. Two of the greatest strengths lie behind our heritage of research-driven design. Respecting and encouraging risks, exploring new ideas and freedom of speech. Owners actively committed to the life of the community called Herman Miller, pride in doing things right, sharing in its success and risks. The strengths and payoff really comes in when engaging in peoples own problems, solutions and behavior. Performance is required at the highe st level possible.Herman Miller enriches employees lives, delight its customers, and create value for its shareholders. Herman Miller includes all the express human talent and potential, everyone should have a chance to realize his or her potential regard little of color, gender, age, sexual orientation. It accepts that skill different educational background could bring the company uniqueness. Adaptive Culture Herman Miller always keep innovating its products to serve their customers better. Herman Millers corporate culture, which continued to generate respect for all employees, had fueled the quest to tap the diversity of gifts and skill held by all.The company designs products according to what people want the most, and it is a way of looking at the world and how it works or does not. To design a solution, rather than simply devising one, required research, thought sometime starting over, listening and humility. Manager and employees support each other in dealing with working env ironment. Herman Miller designed the Canvas workstation, at a lower height than traditional workstations to facilitate a workplace trend toward more collaborative environments. The design also allows more light into work areas and saves space, the company says.Additionally, the company also keeps changing its production designs from time to time according to the needs of the people and follow ergonomic system. Herman Miller hired much expertness to design its furniture, and it is costly to spend on RD but company the company was automatic to take risks on new innovation. pecuniary performance Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Revenue ($ millions) $ 2,012. 1 $1,630. 0 $1,318. 8 $1,649. 2 RD to Sales Ratio RD/Sale 51. 2 / 2,012. 1 = 2. 5 % 45. 7 / 1,630. 0 = 2. 8 % 40. 5 / 1,318. 8 = 3. 1 % 45. 8 / 1,649. 2 = 2. 8 % Table 2. HMIs Revenues and RD to Sales ratio from 2008 to 2011 icon 2. 1 Research and development (RD) to Sales ratio from 2008 to 2011 The above graph shows the trend of RD g ross gross gross sales ratio which increases from year 2008 until 2010. However, it decreased leanly in 2011 due to low RD investment because of recession. However, it is not cleared whether measuring the RD ratio is a good metric to represent its efficiency towards a company. This is because it takes into consideration the RD expenses rather than RD investment thus it is easy to evade the number by lowering the RD expenditure.Even, in the balance sheet of Herman Miller, the RD investment is not disclosed under assets. If RD is capitalized as asset, then it depicts the efficiency of RD towards business revenues. In brief, due to that constraint, we assume that at least the RD sales ratio increases and contributes positively towards Herman Millers business structure as Herman Miller invests heavily in RD to create the furniture. pulp 2. 2 HMIs Revenues from 2008 to 2011 The above graph illustrates that the trend of sales revenue decreases from year 2008 until 2010. However, i t started to increase in year 2011.Thus, in brief, Herman Miller is improving in their sales through investment in Research and Development and produces competitive design. Question 3 HMIs Financial situation prior years and its competitors 1. HMIs financial situation In order to measure the financial performance of Herman Miller Inc, we have used different ratios, such as liquidity, lucrativeness, leverage and activity ratios. Besides, we also compare the financial performance of HMI in relation to its competitors HNI and firebrandcase Inc from 2008 until 2012 based on the above mention ratios.For our case, we have used the true ratio to measure the extent to which the three companies (HMI, HNI and markcase) can meet their short term obligations as shown in the manikin below. Figure 3. 1 HMIs oc accepted ratio versus its competitors ratio The figure above shows the live ratios for the three manufacturers of office furniture and equipment for five consecutive years. In the c ase of Herman Miller Inc. , their current ratio showed some slight increase of about 1 percent from 2008 to 2009. However, a vagabond of about 21 percent was xperienced in 2010 but they were still able to maintain a current ratio of greater than 1. In the year 2011 and 2012, there had been a tremendous increase in their current ratio to 1. 76 and 1. 81 respectively. This current ratio of greater than 1 provides additional cushion against unforeseeable contingencies that may arise in the short term. In the case of HNI, their current ratio showed a decline increase of about 7 percent from 2008 to 2009. However, for the subsequent years, HNI experienced a decrease in their current ratio of approximately 10 percent from 2010 all the way to 2012.Nonetheless, they were able to maintain a current ratio of at least 1 to ensure that the value of their current assets covers at least the amount of their short term obligations. As for Steelcase, their current ratio showed a moderate increase of about 8 percent from 2008 to 2010. On the other hand, the company experienced a decrease of roughly 8 percent in the year 2011 but they were still able to maintain a current ratio of greater than 1.However, Steelcase managed to have an increase in their current ratio from 1. 37 in 2011 to 1. 52 in 2012. Overall, Herman Miller Inc. as shown a significant change magnitude trend in their current ratio as compared to the other two companies. This may suggest improved liquidity of the company or a more worldly-minded approach to working capital management. ii. put onability ratios Profitability ratios measure managements overall durability as shown by the returns generated on sales and investment. There are a number of ratios under gainfulness but for our case, we have used the Return on Assets (ROA) to measure the after-tax profits per dollar of assets and pure(a) Profit coast which measures the total margin available to cover operating expenses and yield a profit.These two r atios have been used to evaluate the three companies (HMI, HNI and Steelcase). Figure 3. 2. 1 HMIs return on asset ratio versus its competitors ratio The figure above shows the Return on Assets for the three manufacturers of office furniture and equipment for five consecutive years. In the case of Herman Miller Inc. , there has been a decreasing trend of ROA in the year 2008 to 2010 from 19 percent to 4 percent respectively. This shows that the profitableness of the company is deteriorating. Nevertheless, rom the year 2010 to the year 2012, the company has shown some slight increasing trend of ROA from 4 percent to 9 percent respectively. This indicates that the companys profitability is quite improving over the years. When it comes to HNI, it has also shown a high decreasing trend of ROA in the year 2008 to 2011 from 5 percent to -0. 6 percent respectively. This shows that the profitability of the company is extremely deteriorating. However, in the year 2012, there was an increase of about 4 percent as compared to the previous year.The company was able to move from -0. 6 percent to 3. 8 percent. This signifies that the companys profitability is slightly improving. Lastly for Steelcase, there has also been a high decreasing trend of ROA from the year 2008 to 2010 with about 6 percent and -0. 8 percent respectively. This shows that the profitability of the company is extremely deteriorating. However, there was a slight increasing trend of ROA in 2011 and 2012 of 1. 02 percent and 3. 33 percent respectively. This center that the companys profitability is somewhat improving.Overall, Herman Miller Inc. has shown a considerable increasing trend in their ROA over the years as compared to the other two companies. This may imply hard-hitting use of assets and creation of high margins by the company as well as gauging how well the company uses its financing from borrowing and bonds. Figure 3. 2. 2 HMIs gross profit ratio versus its competitors ratio The figure above shows the Gross Profit bank for the three manufacturers of office furniture and equipment for five consecutive years.In the case of Herman Miller Inc. , there has been a slight decrease of the Gross Profit Margin in the year 2008 to 2009 from 34. 72 percent to 32. 37 percent respectively. However, from the year 2010 to the year 2012, the company has shown some slight increase in their Gross Profit Margin from 32. 49 percent to 34. 26 percent respectively. This indicates that the company can make a reasonable profit. For HNI, there has been an increasing trend of the Gross Profit Margin from the year 2008 to 2011 with about 33. 66 percent and 34. 6 percent respectively. However, in the year 2012, there was a slight decrease of about 1. 3 percent as compared to the previous year.The companys Gross Profit Margin moved from 34. 86 percent to 34. 39 percent. This also signifies that the company can make a reasonable profit. Lastly for Steelcase, it has shown a slight decreasing trend o f Gross Profit Margin from the year 2008 to 2010 with 32. 12 percent and 28. 35 percent respectively. However, there was a slight increasing trend of Gross Profit Margin in the subsequent years amounting to 29. 5 percent in 2012. This means that the company can still make a reasonable profit. Overall, HNI has shown a steady increasing trend in their Gross Profit Margin over the years as compared to the other two companies. This may indicate how efficiently the company is using its materials and labor in the production process and gives an indication of the pricing, cost structure, and production efficiency of the company. iii. Leverage ratios This ratio is used to determine the companies financing methods, or the ability to meet the obligations.There are many ratios to calculate leverage but the important factors include debt, interest expenses, right and assets. In this section, we will examine two ratios which are debt to assets and debt to lawfulness ratios. Figure 3. 3. 1 HMIs debt to asset ratio versus its competitors ratio The debt to asset ratio gives us a quick measure of the amount of debt that the company has on its balance sheets compared to its assets. In general, the debt to asset ratio for Herman Miller fluctuated over the years as compared to its competitors HNI and Steel case.In 2008, the debt to equity ratio for Herman Miller was above 80 percent and rose approximately to 100 percent in 2009, whereas this ratio was just about 61 percent and 57 percent for HNI and Steel case respectively in 2008 and about 58 percent in 2009 for both competitors. This indicated that almost 100 percent of Herman Millers assets were financed by debt or creditors which implied that the Company has high level of leverage and risk, while its competitors had roughly 50 percent of their assets financed by the owners.However, Herman Millers ratio significantly dropped in 2010 to about 40 percent which was below its competitors who almost maintained their position ove r the years. In 2012, 70 percent of Herman Millers assets were financed by debt. In general, although the company debt to assets ratio is still high in relation to its competitors, the financial performance of the company is improving after the financial crisis. However, the Company needs to further reduce the amount of debt resulting to the reduction of risk this is because it may affect the companys survival in the long-run.Figure 3. 3. 2 HMIs debt to equity ratio versus its competitors ratio A debt-to-equity ratio measures the amount of debt a company uses to fund its business for every dollar of equity it has. In other words, it is a measure of a companys ability to repay its obligations. Generally companies with less debt equity ratio are less risky than the companies with high ratios. As we can see from the graphs, Herman Miller Inc. has the highest ratio over the year in relation to the other companies. For instance, its ratio fluctuated significantly over the years which wer e at 32. 7 and 94. 91 in 2008 and 2009 respectively. This might be due to the mental picture of the financial crisis, which caused the company to increase its debt financing heavily. Also, this indicates that the company had demonstrable high amount of debt as compared to equity which can endanger the long term survival of the firm since the company may not be able to generate enough cash to satisfy its debt obligations. Meanwhile, debt to equity ratio for HNI and Steel case was roughly lower than 2, which was acceptable for large public companies.For Herman Miller, however, this ratio sagaciously dropped over the next years to just about 8. 62 in 2010 and 2. 37 in 2012. In contrast, its competitors still can maintain their ratio below two over the next years. In order to improve this ratio, Herman Miller had sold its common stock and tried to lower the mount debt financing, this can be seen by the amount of long-term debt decreasing. This implies that the companys financial perf ormance has been improving after the financial crisis.In call of leverage, overall, it can be said that the performance of the company has been improving over the years and regaining its position in the furniture market after the economic downturn. Although it may not do well as compared to its competitors in terms of financing the debt and equity, there is a sign of improvement and confinement in positioning its self in the market industry in U. S. iv. Activity Ratios Figure 3. 4. 1 HMIs Inventory turnover ratio versus its competitors ratio The inventory turnover is comm just used to measure the operational efficiency in managing its assets.Based on the figure 4. 1 illustrated above, in 2009, Herman Miller Inc. has the highest ratio compared to other years. This high ratio could indicate two conditions, such as whether the company has strong sales during the year or it has an in good buying activity. However, it is perceived that the company did have strong sales proved from the lowest level of inventory and high sales revenue which are seen in the annual report during the year. While in 2010, Herman Miller Inc. s turnover ratio drops significantly compared to the other years.Its cost of sales for the year has the lowest and showed a decrement of 24% from previous year which simultaneously contribute to low ratio as well as indicating the lack of soundness particularly in turning its inventory into sales. One of the reasons is that it could be due to the recession which highly affected the company, and hence making them to reduce the cost of sales. However, Herman Miller Inc is get better in turning its inventory into sales proven from the increment of its ratio by year. Additionally, compared to competitors, the position of the ratio shown for Herman Miller Inc. is located somewhat in the middle.Steelcase is somewhat faster in turning their inventory into sales compared to others. In contrast, HNI has the lowest rate. This proves that Steelcase is more e ffective in managing its operational assets. Figure 3. 4. 2 HMIs Average collection period versus its competitors ratio Average collection period is the number of days it takes a company to collect its tarradiddle receivables. As illustrated from the figure 4. 2 above, Herman Miller is getting better in obtaining its receivables shown by the average days taken which was from 58 days in 2008 and 34 days in 2012. This demonstrates that Herman miller Inc. onstantly improve its credit policy effectiveness confirmed by a dramatic slump by years.Comparing to other competitors, originally HNI was the most effective company in managing its credit term policy, as the company only took 38 days in collecting its account receivables compared to Steelcase or Herman Miller. However, the company ended up to be the highest rate at 2012 showing that it is not effective in evaluating companys credit policy. As a result, when a company possesses a lower average collection period, it is seen as optima l as it indicates that the company does not take very long to turn its receivables into cash. . HMIs current strategies an issues of need to change its strategies during poor economic conditions The current Herman Miller strategy which focuses on growth strategy, through innovative products and related diversification made the company to survive the gigantic Depression early in its history, multiple recessions in 20th century and in early twenty-first century the company recovered from the dot-com bust and was able to continue expanding o versifyas. The furniture industry is an economically volatile industry. The office furniture segment of the industry was hit hard by the recession.Industry sales decreased 26. 5 percent during the 2009 economic downturn. However, because of the innovative and diversification, Herman Miller was able to outperform its competitors in terms of sales and profitability, during that time Herman Mills sales dropped by 19% which is relatively low in compar ison with its competitors HNI Corporation and Steelcase which had dropped by 33 percent and 28% respectively. The furniture industry is at its maturity stage, thus Innovation is crucial to the companys survival. If Herman Miller continues to successfully innovate, it will enable them to compete in the market strongly.The industry had been negatively impacted telecommunication which had reduced the need office furniture. Yet, more employees were spending more hours in front of the computer screens than ever before. Because of Herman Millers effective innovation, they were able to respond to the need of ergonomically correct office furniture that had helped to decrease fatigue and injuries like carpal burrow syndrome. In summary, the company does not need to radically alter its main strategy which focuses more on innovation and diversification as its the reason they were not dramatically hit by recessions and competitions among the rivals. 3. pass i. Reduced current benefit and incen tive schemes There are several incentives that had been eliminated by Herman Millers management due to the economic downturn in 2009. The suspend of 401(k) contribution plans (saving contribution plan), cut-off 15 percent of current workforce and 10 percent reduction in salary for remaining workforce had been implement during the crisis.However the pay cuts was discontinued because of Herman Millers quick turnaround. The company was stable starting the year 2011, but the selling, general, and administrative were the highest contribution of the operating expenses. Specifically, $3. million and $16. 6 million of additional operating expenses during fiscal 2011 due to the reinstatement of all of our employee benefits and employee incentive expenses (Herman Millers yearbook Report, 2011). The company believed that the large benefit and incentives had created propel and skilful employees which are the key of its competitive advantage. Even though the company has increased in sales as compared to the year 2010, it is important to cut the costs by eliminating some of the less important incentives schemes and benefits such as $100 rebate on a bike purchase, concierge services and one-site services to name a few.Previously, the company had eliminated the 401(k) contribution plan so that they could stop providing some percentage on the employees contribution. It is crucial since it could allow the company to save a significant amount of money in the long run (Richardson, 2009). It can be done by communicating the problems and issues which need to be addressed to the staff before they get out of hand. Address the problems proportionately and regular communication could make the staff be aware on their role to support the company throughout the economy downturn.By having it, the staff might accept the decision positively and provide effort to help the company to fully recover after the recession ( deferral Business Cost Cutting, 2013). ii. Reduction in companys cost of sales According to Herman Millers Annual Report (2011), the increase in cost of sales for the year 2011 was due to the increase in sales volume that was driven primarily by cost leverage on higher production, which was partially offset by deeper discounting, higher employee benefit and incentive costs, and higher costs of key direct materials, most notably stigma and steel components.Besides that, the cost of direct material increased as compared to previous years which there was increase in the cost of commodities and the increase in discounting, which has the effect of reducing net sales The costs of certain manufacturing materials used in producing finished products are medium to the volatility of commodity market expenditure. The cost of direct labor and overhead were increased due to increase in product volume while the cost of freight expenses had increased during the year because of increase in product volume as well as increase in fuel costs in 2011.First recommendation to cut the cost of sales in terms of direct material is change lower cost material where possible to replace the expensive one and each angle should be considered for better decision. For example, the substitution of carbon steel to replace expensive stainless steel could reduce the cost but the corrosion protection might not last longer. This method should be applied if only the benefit from the substitution is higher than the cost of reduction in quality (Lewis, n. d. ). Second recommendation is by eliminating unnecessary product features to reduce cost.The company should produce a product that really suits customers preferences in buying their products. For example, the company should identify whether customers are purchasing its products because of their unique looks, lower price or high quality. If customers buy the products because of their lower price, unique features may not be needed (Lewis, n. d. ). Third recommendation which is the most effective one is by hedging the pr ice of the steel through futures contract. According to Herman Millers Annual Report (2011) The company believes market prices for commodities in the near term may move higher and acknowledges that over time increases on its key direct materials and assembly components are likely. Consequently, it views the prospect of such increases as an observatory risk to the business (p. 34). By locking the price in the contract, it could eliminate any risk of price volatility (Hedging in Practice, 2013). For example, if there is a huge possibility that the price of steel will increase in a certain period of time. Due to that, the company will claim in future contract and lock-in the price for a specific period in the future.Regardless of increase in steel price, the company is eligible to buy the commodity at a lower lock-in price as stated in the agreed future contract. Conclusion Herman Miller Inc. has implemented different strategies in order to improve its performance and expand its self in furniture market, such as diversify strategy, broad differentiation strategy, green marketing, product development and innovation. In addition, besides focusing on those strategies to achieve the business goals, the company also concerns about how it communicates and treat its employees. All workers as individuals ith special talents and potential can be considered as one of the healthy culture at Herman Miller since 1927 and the Company continued to generate respect for all employees and fueled the quest to tap diversity of gifts and skills held by all. According to one of the verse in chapter 42 of the Quran Those who hearken to their Lord, and establish regular Prayer who (conduct) their affairs by joint quotation who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance (Quran 4238) The verse above explains the importance of mutual consent in making a decision.Islam encourages Muslims to decide their affairs by consulting with those who will be affected by the decision. Thus, in the case of Herman Miller, it empowers its employees and nurture participative decision making so that the employees feel as part of the company. Surviving in matured furniture industry and the economic volatility such as recession, demand full cooperation from the whole organization. It is not easy to integrate the diverse nature of employees with different backgrounds and behaviors to achieve goal congruence.Thus, Herman Millers healthy culture leads to its employees readiness to accept any relevant decision by Herman Miller such as cutting their salaries as the employees work with Herman Miller and not just work for it. Furthermore, in term of design value, the designer team of Herman Miller always emphasized on quality, excellence, and the continual improvement of their products. At Herman Miller the products we made decade ago are still sold after today, and products we make today we will do for a decade to come. All in all, Herman Miller should pursue its current strategie s and continue to expand those strategies such as product innovation, diversification and so on. We believe that these strategies have made and will make Herman Miller one of an outstanding and award winning Company. They will continue to provide the Company with the ability to renew and reinvent itself in the furniture market and outperform its rivals in the future. From the explanation above, it gives us a broad view of how the companys long-term strategy and objective affects all their business from product design to decision-making process to the culture of the Company.